Origins 2002

These pinhole photos were taken at Origins 2002, Looney Labs Big Experiment #3. This year's photos were taken with PinCam 2.0, in many ways a much nicer camera than the previous PinCam 1.1.

Pikemen game 1. The Pikemen pictures are pretty basic stuff. Nice, but hardly fresh and exciting in this third year of pinhole photography at Origins. ~45s exposure.
Pikemen final. ~45s exposure.
“E”, Martian Chinese Checkers. Here we see players learning this interesting new game. ~43s exposure.
Andy with Origins Award. Congratulations to Andy and all of Looney Labs on this third Origins Award! I like the composition of this photo better than last year's. ~45s exposure.
Jesse and Kristin in Martian Chess Tournament. ~60s exposure.
Martian Chess Finals - Alison. Sorry about chopping off your head, Alison; it's hard to judge that angle of view. What I really like here, though, is the Looneys' very nice 3-way Martian Chess board. ~51s exposure.
Martian Chess Finals - Jesse. ~51s exposure.
Martian Chess Finals - Dan. ~45s exposure.
Martian Chess Finals - Endgame Position. As though the 3-way board isn't warped enough already, this photo expands the appearance of the empty corner to look even wider than the entire back edge. Yikes! I like the way the pieces are reflected in the board, too. ~45s exposure.
Alison with Origins Award. Here, the life-sized awards statue leans on a giant Cosmic Coaster at the Looney Labs booth, while Alison tends the register. Or something like that. This is definitely one of my favorites from this year. The scaling is just about perfect. The rainbow haloing unfortunately obscures Alison's face, but it's still a neat (and unexpected) effect. ~50s exposure.
Escalator Trip. Ever wonder what your feet see when you're riding the escalator? Neither did I, before I started playing with pinhole cameras. ~35s exposure.
Ice-Offs Game 1. The blue pieces with suns on them are my Copper Sunburst stash. They're very pretty, but the defenders are all iced. Oops! ~45s exposure.
Ice-Offs Game 2. The irridescent highlights and gold and copper tones don't come across very well in these pictures, but you can see in one of the attackers here some of the bits of heavy copper wire embedded in the hot-glue filling that give these pieces a nice extra bit of heft. ~40s exposure.
Ice-Offs Game 3. I've stepped into the frame of this one, surveying the scene from the other side of the table. Did I win a game? All right! But it wasn't nearly enough. (Like the hat? I made it myself.) ~50s exposure.
Ice-Offs Game 4. I put the camera higher off the table than usual for this one, making use of my handy little 6-inch tripod. ~45s exposure. (This seemed a little high, so I later made myself a minimalist ultra-low tripod to play with.)